
The information on this website is provided for convenience purposes only.  Every effort has been made to provide accurate information, however, the City reserves the right to provide updated or revised information to correct any inaccuracies.

Information and/or documents available here should not be considered a legal representation of the

official copy. If you require an official copy of any documents, please contact the Clerk-Treasurer's office at 920-398-3031.

Get In Touch

Looking for a specific person at the City of Markesan?  Click on the "Contact Us" link above for a directory of City personnel. 



City of Markesan
150 S Bridge St

PO Box 352
Markesan, WI 53946

920-398-3031 920-398-3031



Living in Markesan

Property History



Basic information about a property, such as assessment values, previous years' taxes, property transfers, etc. is available on the Green Lake County website.  You can look up a property by owners name, address, or tax parcel number.  Click on the button to go to the Green Lake County GIS website.



Property Taxes & Assessment



The City of Markesan contracts with Action Appraisers for all assessment services.  If you have questions about your assessment, please contact Zach Zacharias, with Action Appraisers, at 888-796-0603.  You may also contact Action Appraisers through their website, by clicking here.


Open Book

Each year, prior to the finalization of the assessment roll, the City conducts an "Open Book" session.  This is an opportunity for you to informally meet with the assesor, review the value of your property, and the value of neighboring properties, and to notify the assessor of any errors in the description of your property.  If an error has been made, the assessor can make a correction at Open Book.  Open Book is held in the spring, sometime from mid- April to early June. Check the calendar on our Home page for exact dates.


Board of Review

If you have concerns about the value of your property that are not resolved by speaking with the assessor, you may appeal your assessment at the Board of Review.  The Board of Review is a four person Board, comprised of the Mayor, City Clerk-Treasurer, and two Alderpeople.  Additional Alderpeople are appointed as alternates, in case of conflicts of interest.  The Board of Review is required to have its first meeting between the second Monday in May and the first Monday in June.  If the assessment roll is not complete, it may meet to reschedule to a later time.  The City of Markesan typically holds Board of Review sometime in June.


To view the most recent notice of Open Book and Board of Review, click the link below.  The notice for the current year will be posted as soon as it becomes available. 


This notice also includes procedural guidelines that must be followed to ensure your appeal can be heard.  Please review it carefully, and contact the City Clerk-Treasurer with any questions.




To appeal your assessment, you must first attend the Open Book and discuss your issues with the assessor.  If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you may then file an objection form with the City Clerk-Treasurer.  Please complete the Objection Form for Real Property Assessment to appeal the value of real estate.  If you wish to appeal your personal property value, please complete the Objection Form for Personal Property Assessment.  Return the form(s) to the City Clerk-Treasurer at least 48 hours propr to the scheduled start of the Board of Review.  You must provide at least 48 hours notice if you wish to appear before the Board, or your request can be denied.


For additional information on the appeal process, please review the Wisconsin Department of Revenue's Property Assessment Appeal Guide for Wisconsin Real Property Owners.  



Property Taxes


Property taxes are due by Jan. 31 (full payment or first installment) and July 31 (second installment) each year.  The City Clerk-Treasurer is responsible for collecting taxes for the State, Green Lake County, Markesan District Schools, Moraine Park Technical College, and the City of Markesan.  Each of these entities sets their own budget and notifies the Clerk-Treasurer of the amount that must be entered on the tax bills and collected on their behalf.


Property tax bills are mailed out in mid-December, as soon as all of the information is received from the various taxing jurisdictions, compiled and submitted to the Green Lake County Treasurer's office.  Full payments or first installments are payable to the City of Markesan by Jan. 31.  Second installments are payable to the Green Lake County Treasurer by July 31.  Please note:  Green Lake County cannot accept first installment payments for the City of Markesan, and likewise, the City of Markesan cannot accept second installment payments for Green Lake County.  Please make sure that you make your checks payable to the correct entity.


Tax Payment Options for City of Markesan

There are several options for payment of your property taxes.  For taxes payable to the City of Markesan (full or first installments by Jan. 31), you may pay in the following ways:


   1.  Mail your check payment to City Hall

City of Markesan

PO Box 352

Markesan, WI 53946


When mailing your payment, if you want a receipt, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.  Without the stamped envelope, a receipt will not be returned to you.  


   2.  Make your cash/check/credit or debit card payment in person at City Hall during regular office hours

Office hours are listed on the Home page of this website.  Please note, that due to audit guidelines, change for an overpayment (whether by cash or check) cannot be given at the time of payment.  A check refund will be issued and mailed.  If paying by cash, please bring exact change to avoid the need to issue a refund check.  Also, if the change due is less than $1.00, no refund will be issued.


   3.  Pay online with a credit/debit card.

You may make your tax payment online with a credit or debit card.  Please note there is a service fee for this option.  The service fee is a percentage based on your total payment amount.  You will know the amount of the service fee prior to authorizing payment.  You will need the parcel number, property address and tax bill number (all three items can be found on your tax bill).



Lottery Tax Credit

The Wisconsin property where you have your primary residence may be eligible for a Lottery Tax Credit.  Business properties, rental units, vacant land or other properties that are not your primary residence are not eligible for the credit.  You must also be a Wisconsin resident to qualify.  If you have questions about the property tax credit, please contact the Green Lake County Treasurer's office at 920-294-4018.


If you are not currently receiving this credit,and believe you are eligible, please go the Wisconsin Department of Revenue's website and complete the appropriate Lottery and Gaming Credit Application.



Tax Rates

The City does not have control over the total tax rate, but only the portion of the tax related to the budget established by the City Council for City operations.  What things are covered by the City budget?  Maintenance of City roads, police & fire protection services, snow removal, park maintenance, Council and Committee wages, City employee wages and benefits, trash and recycling services, and elections costs are some of the items on which your tax dollars are spent.  For example, in 2018 these services have been paid by just 37.91% of your total taxes.  That means for every $1.00 in property taxes collected, the City keeps about $0.38.  The remaining $0.62 is sent to the other taxing jurisdictions.


For example, if you pay $1000 in property taxes, only about $379.10 is retained by the City.  The remaining $620.90 is collected and then distributed to the State, County, Technical College and School District.



Other Links for City Residents


Building Permits

Thinking of remodeling or building in the City of Markesan?  Please go to our Building Inspection page for more information and links to permit applications.



Dog Licensing

If you own a dog that is kept in the City of Markesan, it must be licensed annually by Mar. 31st.  Please go to the Dog Licensing page for more information.



Serving Your Community

Are you interested in local government?  Would you like to help make the decisions that shape the future of Markesan?  You could help your community by serving as a member of the Common Council, Planning Commission, Community Development Authority (CDA), Library Board, Police Committee, Administrative Review Appeals Board, Board of Zoning Appeals, or even an Election Worker!  For more information about serving in any of these capacities, please contact the Clerk-Treasurer's office.  You may also contact the Mayor for more information.


For information on the responsibilities of serving in these positions, click on the buttons below:




Voting and Voter Registration

Information about voting and voter registration can be found on the Voting or Voter Registration pages of this website.



Water & Sewer Bills

For more information about water & sewer bills, and payment options, please go to our Water & Sewer Utility page.


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