
The information on this website is provided for convenience purposes only.  Every effort has been made to provide accurate information, however, the City reserves the right to provide updated or revised information to correct any inaccuracies.

Information and/or documents available here should not be considered a legal representation of the

official copy. If you require an official copy of any documents, please contact the Clerk-Treasurer's office at 920-398-3031.

Get In Touch

Looking for a specific person at the City of Markesan?  Click on the "Contact Us" link above for a directory of City personnel. 



City of Markesan
150 S Bridge St

PO Box 352
Markesan, WI 53946

920-398-3031 920-398-3031



Dog Licensing


State Law and City Ordinances require all dogs over five months old to be licensed.  Dog owners should get a license within 30 days of:


  • Acquiring a dog that is over five months old
  • The dog turning five months old
  • Moving into the City with the dog


Dog license are $10 for dogs that are not spayed/neutered, and $5 for spayed/neutered dogs.  Licenses are valid until Dec. 31 of each year, regardless of when they were issued.  You have until Mar. 31 to obtain a license for the current year.  Licenses obtained after this date include a $15 late fee per dog.  If you do not obtain a license by March 31, in addition to the $15 late fee, you may be subject to a $98.80 citation. Please let us know if you no longer own a previously licensed dog (see below) to avoid being issued a citation.



Obtain A License


To obtain a license, the dog must have a valid rabies certificate form your veterinarian.  The rabies tag, or an invoice showing the date of the last rabies vaccination is not sufficient.  If you do not have a current rabies certificate, please obtain one from your vet prior to requesting the license.


Please bring or submit the following information:

  1. A completed Dog License Application (click on link below)
  2. A copy of the rabies certificate
  3. Payment of the appropriate fee
  4. If not getting the license in person at City Hall, a self-addressed, stamped envelope so that your license can be mailed back to you.



DOG LICENSE Appl Affidavit.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [185.7 KB]


No Longer Own a Dog?

If you no longer have a dog that was previously licensed in the City, please complete the Affidavit of Death or Disposal of Dog (click on the "Dog License Appl Affadavit" link above) and return it to City Hall.  This will help us to keep our records current, and eliminate the need to follow-up with you for not obtaining a required dog license.


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