1. When is Cemetery clean-up? | Cemetery Clean-up is each spring and fall, Apr. 1-15, and Oct. 15-31. | |
2. How much is a cemetery plot? | Cemetery plots are $250 each. | |
3. How do I purchase a cemetery plot? | Please contact the cemetery sexton, Amy Corson at 920-369-6050 |
1. When is City Hall open? | Mondays through Fridays, 8:00am to 4:00pm (There may be instances where City Hall is closed during these times for off-site training or other reasons. Please check the "News and Announcements" on our Home Page for any changes to this schedule.) | |
2. Where do I go to vote? | All wards of the City vote at the same polling location, City Hall, 150 S. Bridge St., Markesan. Polls are open from 7:00am to 8:00pm on election days. | |
3. How can I request public records? | Public records can be requested by submitting the "Records Request Form" available on the Clerk-Treasurer page of this website. | |
4. When are City Council meetings? | City Council meetings are usually the second Tuesday of each month, at 7:00pm. Agendas listing the date and time of the meeting will be posted at City Hall, the Post Office, Ergo Bank and on this website, so please check the posting locations for the date and time in the unusual situation that there would be a change. | |
5. How do I rent the Community Room? | Please go to our "City Facilities Rental" information on the Online Services page for more information on rental the Community Room |
1. How do I rent a Park Shelter? | Please go to our "City Facilities Rental" information on the Online Services page for more information on renting the Big Building or the Scout Cabin at Soldier's & Sailor's Park. | |
2. When is the Ice Rink open? | The Ice Rink is dependent on the weather. If the weather is appropriate, and there is ice on the rink, the hours are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 7:00-9:00pm, Saturdays, 1:30-4:30pm and 7:00-9:00pm, and Sundays, 1:30-4:30pm. |
1. What is the non-emergency number for the Police Department? | You may leave a message at the Department's general number, 920-398-2121. If you are trying to reach an officer for a non-emergency situation, you may call Green Lake County Dispatch at 920-398-2927. | |
2. When is Court held? | Markesan court procedings occur on the second & third Wednesdays of the month. | |
3. Where can I find City ordinances? | Please go to our online ordinances for information on any City ordinance. | |
4. How do I get a dog license? | Please go to our Dog Licensing page for all of the details on how to obtain a dog license. |
1. What can I take to the Recycling Center? | City of Markesan residents can take yard waste, brush, and leaves to the Recycling Center. They can also take certain electronics, and other items that can not be disposed of in the trash. Please go to the "Recycling Center" section of our Public Works page for more information. City residents CANNOT take regular recycling to the Center, as we have curbside pickup of those items. | |
2. What day is trash/recycling picked up? | Curbside pickup of trash and recycling is on Mondays in the City of Markesan. Certain holidays may affect pickup, in which case it will be on Tuesdays. See the Public Works page for more details. | |
3. When is leaf pickup? | Leaf collection is typically scheduled for 4-5 Mondays in October and November each year, subject to weather conditions. You may also take your leaves to the Recycling Center. | |
4. How do I report a burned out street light? | You may contact City Hall at 920-398-3031, or report it directly to Alliant online at their website. | |
5. When are winter parking regulations in effect? | Winter parking is in effect Nov. 1 through Apr. 1 each year. It is effective regardless of the weather. |
1. How can I pay my water & sewer bill? | You can pay in person, by mail, or online. For more information on how to make water & sewer payments, please go to the Water & Sewer Utility page. | |
2. How do I start or cancel my water service? | Please call City Hall at 920-398-3031 to provide all of the information needed to start or stop water service. | |
3. I have a water/sewer emergency outside of normal business hours. Who do I call? | Please contact Jeff Heberer, Water/Wastewater Superintendent, at 920-979-0271 for after-hours emergencies. |