Emergency Management
Grand River Fire Station
877 N. Margaret Street, Markesan, WI 53946
In order to prepare the City to cope with emergencies of various kinds, both natural or man-made, the City of Markesan has established the Emergency Management Department. The goal of Emergency Management is to prepare for and minimize the effects on the civilian population caused by various emergencies, to deal with the immediate conditions of such an emergency, and to facilitate repairs to, or the restoration of, vital public utilities and facilities destroyed or damaged in the emergency.
The City's Emergency Management Director is Mike Ross. Mike works to develop and integrate City Emergency Management plans with state, county and other municipality plans.
Emergency Management is currently staffed by volunteers, similar to a volunteer fire department. In the case of an emergency, members are paged to respond. If you are interested in serving your community in this capacity, please contact Mike Ross at 920-299-2770.